Rest Well - Sleep Course

Sleep Hygiene & Nutrition Strategies For Women

Congratulations on getting here !! At Inspiriko we believe Cosmic Calm, our blend of herbs, bio available minerals and amino acids is one part of the better sleep puzzle. But you also need to complement it with an holistic strategy that includes improving your nutrition to make long term improvements to your sleep. We have done the hard work for you by researching, talking to experts, working with nutritionists to create this course. We are sure you will find lots of practical and useful tips to improve your sleep in this course. Take your first step by creating an account and clicking on "Start Course"

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and How To Use This Course

    • Message from founder

  • 2

    Understanding Sleep - What Is Exactly Happening When You Sleep

    • The different stages of sleep

    • Understanding the Body’s In Built Sleep Regulators

  • 3

    Lifestyle Factors Impacting Your Sleep - And How To Fix Them

    • First the basics - What is sleep hygiene?

    • Your Easiest Win for Better Sleep

    • Cut Down On Alcohol & Caffeine

    • Creating a sleep inducing sleep environment

    • Your day routine counts too!

    • Hormonal changes and sleep quality

    • How to stay asleep

  • 4

    Nutrition & Sleep - How They Are Linked

    • Introduction

    • Nutrients you need to help improve sleep

    • Herbs, mother nature’s natural sleep inducers !

    • Food you should avoid for better sleep (and better health !)

  • 5

    Stress Could Be The Silent Sleep Killer

    • How Stress Impacts Your Sleep – Unbderstanding The Science

    • Journaling your way to Calm

    • Breath In and Breathe Out

    • Adaptogenic Herbs - Nature’s stress regulators

  • 6

    Tracking Your Sleep

    • Why Should You Track Your Sleep

    • How can you track your sleep

  • 7

    Congratulations, Your Are Done !! What Next ?

    • Next Steps & Parting Words

Course Instructor

Team Inspiriko

Inspiriko, comprises of a small but passionate team, working to provide women with the best plant based nutritional solutions and holistic support to improve their gut health, sleep and other areas of health.